
Best Blackout Curtains The Ultimate Guide

Searching for the best blackout curtains to finally get that restful night’s sleep you’ve been craving? Look no further! These magical window treatments have the power to transform any room into a dark, cozy oasis by blocking out every last ray of unwanted light.


Whether you’re a night owl trying to adjust to an early schedule or a light sleeper easily awakened by morning sun, investing in quality blackout curtains could be the simple yet game-changing solution you need. This ultimate guide will dive into everything you need to know about blackout curtains – what they are, how to choose the perfect ones, our top recommendations, and pro tips for years of blissful darkness.

Say goodbye to sleepless nights and get ready to discover your secret weapon for achieving the restorative slumber you deserve.

What are Blackout Curtains?

modern-bedroom-with-Noise Cancelling-curtains-for-privacy

You’ve probably heard of blackout curtains before, but what exactly are they? Simply put, these special curtains are made from thick, tightly woven fabrics designed to block out every sneaky beam of light that tries to sneak into your room.

Unlike regular curtains that let some light filter through, blackout curtains act like tiny superheroes, using their powerful light-blocking abilities to create a cave-like darkness in your space. It’s like giving your windows a cozy pair of sunglasses to wear at night!

“Blackout curtains are an absolute must for creating a zen sleep environment. They instantly transform any bedroom into a relaxing retreat by shutting out distracting outdoor light and noise.”

Says Jonathan Adler, Designer

But blackout curtains aren’t just for helping you sleep better. These multi-talented window coverings also offer benefits like:

  • Keeping your rooms cool in the summer by blocking out harsh sunrays
  • Providing privacy from prying eyes (no more waving to your neighbors!)
  • Protecting furniture and floors from fading caused by UV light exposure
  • Many blackout curtains have built-in noise-cancelling properties.

As interior designer Emma Wilson puts it, “Blackout curtains are a practical and stylish solution for any home. They offer wonderful light control while adding a designer touch.”

Speaking of style, don’t think these curtains have to be plain and boring. Blackout curtains come in all sorts of colors, patterns, and fabric choices to suit any decor taste. From sleek and modern to cozy and romantic, there’s a blackout curtain style for everyone.

So whether you’re a night shift worker, a new parent, or just someone who enjoys sleeping in total darkness, blackout curtains could be your new best friend for catching premium zzz’s every night!

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Factors to Consider When Choosing Blackout Curtains

Available on Amazon

Now that you know all about the wonderful world of blackout curtains, it’s time to dive into how to choose the best ones for your needs. After all, not all blackout curtains are created equal! There are several key factors you’ll want to keep in mind:

    “Don’t underestimate the power of blackout curtains – they’re one of my secret weapons for layering beautiful design with functional solutions. The right blackout curtains can make or break the ambiance and sleep quality in a space.”

    Says Shea McGee, Designer

    Material Matters

    Blackout curtains can be made from different fabrics like polyester, cotton, velvet, and more. Polyester tends to be the most affordable and effective at blocking light. Cotton and linen give a more natural, breathable feel. And velvet offers a luxurious look and texture.

    Color Coded

    While you may be tempted to just go for basic black or navy, don’t be afraid to have fun with color! Lighter colors can give a more cheery, bright vibe during daytime hours. But for ultimate light-blocking power, darker shades like charcoal grey, burgundy, or emerald green are best.

    The Perfect Fit

    Having properly fitted curtains is crucial for blocking out every crack of light. You’ll want curtains that are wider than your window, with enough overlap when closed. And be sure to get them long enough to fall a few inches onto the floor or windowsill.

    Style Savvy

    Just because they’re functional doesn’t mean blackout curtains can’t be fashionable too! Consider things like heading styles, grommets vs. rod pockets, patterns or solids, and whether you want insulating or noise-dampening curtains too.

    Let’s see how you feel about these factors with a quick poll:

    What’s the most important factor for you in choosing blackout curtains? A) Light-blocking ability B) Style/aesthetic C) Energy efficiency D) Versatility (noise + temp control)

    Don’t forget – your curtain choice can make or break that perfect sleep sanctuary!

    Top Blackout Curtain Recommendations

    Now that you know what to look for, it’s time to explore some of the top blackout curtain options on the market. From budget-friendly basics to high-end luxuries, we’ve rounded up curtains to suit every style and need:

    Best Overall:

    Available on Amazon

    NICETOWN Blackout Curtains These polyester blackout curtains check all the boxes – blocking out 99% of light, insulating against heat/cold, and dampening outside noise. Plus they come in tons of colors and patterns to match any decor. Affordable and effective!

    Shop on Amazon: NICETOWN Blackout Curtains-$55.99


    • Blocks 99% of light and UV rays
    • Affordable price point
    • Wide range of colors and sizes
    • Machine washable


    • May have a chemical odor when first unpacked
    • Some users report they’re not completely blackout

    Best Luxury:

    Available on Amazon

      BGment Blackout Curtains are known for their superior light-blocking abilities and noise reduction properties. They’re a great choice for light sleepers or those living in noisy areas.

      Shop on Amazon: BGment Blackout Curtains$35.99


      • Triple-weave fabric for excellent light blocking
      • Noise reduction capabilities
      • Energy-efficient insulation
      • Easy to install with grommets


      • Limited color options
      • May wrinkle easily

      “When selecting blackout curtains, I always look for styles made from tightly woven yet breathable fabrics like cotton or linen blends. You want ultimate light protection without compromising airflow and comfort.”

      Says Bobby Berk, Designer

      Best Budget:

      Available on Amazon

        Deconovo Blackout Curtains with Grommets, these curtains stand out for their silky texture and wrinkle-resistant properties. They’re a good option if you’re looking for curtains that are both functional and low-maintenance.

        Shop on Amazon: Deconovo Blackout Curtains-$25.99


        • Soft, silky texture
        • Good light-blocking capabilities
        • Wrinkle-resistant
        • Available in various lengths


        • Some colors may be slightly see-through
        • Grommets may be too small for larger curtain rods

        Best Insulated:

        Available on Amazon

          RYB HOME Thermal Insulated Blackout Curtains offers premium blackout curtains with a luxurious velvet-like texture. These are ideal for those who want top-tier light blocking and noise reduction.

          Shop on Amazon: RYB Home Thermal Insulated Blackout Curtains


          • Excellent noise reduction
          • Thermal insulation for energy savings
          • Available in extra-wide panels
          • Elegant velvet-like texture


          • Higher price point
          • May be too heavy for lightweight curtain rods

          Each of these options offers unique features to suit different needs and preferences. Whether you prioritize affordability, style, or maximum light blocking, there’s an Amazon blackout curtain option for you. Consider your specific requirements and room aesthetics when making your choice. With these top-rated options, you’re well on your way to creating the perfect dark sanctuary for better sleep!

          How To Care For Your Blackout Curtains

          Eco-Conscious-Japandi-living-room-with-curved-sofa and-kangaroo-chairs-with-blackout-curtains
          Collection Noir

          Investing in high-quality blackout curtains is important, but taking proper care of them is key to ensuring they last for years and continue blocking out light effectively. Here are some pro tips on caring for your curtains:

          Read the Labels

          Start by checking the manufacturer’s instructions. Some curtains are machine washable, while others require dry cleaning or spot cleaning only. Following the recommended cleaning method is crucial to prevent fading, shrinking, or damaging the light-blocking capabilities.

          “Always follow the care labels – it can mean the difference between blackout curtains that look fresh for years and ones that quickly lose their magic,”

          advises Marie Kondo, organization expert

          Regular Light Vacuuming

          In between cleanings, give your curtains a quick once-over with a vacuum’s upholstery attachment or lint roller. This helps remove dust and dirt that can make curtains look dull and dingy over time.

          Handle with Care

          Avoid rubbing or aggressive scrubbing when spot cleaning, as this can deteriorate the fabric. Opt for a gentle dab or light brushing motion instead. And always let curtains air dry completely before re-hanging to prevent mildew.

          Consider Curtain Liners

          Using machine washable cotton or polyester curtain liners can help extend the life of your main blackout curtains by protecting them from dirt, hair, and natural body oils. Simply remove and wash the liners regularly.

          With just a little TLC, your trusty blackout curtains will continue to be your sleep sanctuary partners for the long haul. As the old saying goes, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pitch black bedroom!”

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          There you have it – everything you need to know about finding the best blackout curtains for transforming your space into a sleep-friendly oasis. From understanding what makes blackout curtains so effective to factors like material, color, and fit, you’re now an expert on choosing curtains that will block out every unwanted lump of light.

          Don’t let sleepless nights caused by outdoor brightness plague you any longer! With the right blackout curtains, you can finally get the restorative, high-quality sleep your body craves. Wake up feeling refreshed and ready to conquer the day instead of hitting snooze a dozen times.

          Best Blackout Curtains-FAQs:

          Q. How do I measure for the right size blackout curtains?

          For the best light blocking, your curtains should be wider than your window by 2-3 times and long enough to graze the floor or windowsill. Measure your window’s width and length, adding a few inches to each to get the ideal curtain dimensions.

          Q. Can blackout curtains be machine washed?

          Check the manufacturer’s instructions, as some blackout curtains are machine washable while others require dry cleaning or spot cleaning only. Following the proper care is crucial to maintain their light-blocking abilities.

          Q. Do blackout curtains block noise as well as light?

          While not their primary purpose, quality blackout curtains made from thick, tightly woven fabrics can offer some noise dampening benefits by absorbing outdoor sounds better than thin curtains. However, for serious noise reduction you may need to add insulating liners.

          Q. Which curtains are best for blackout?

          Look for curtains specifically labeled as “blackout” curtains made from thick, densely woven fabrics like polyester or cotton blends. Avoid “room darkening” curtains which still let some light seep through.

          Q. How much does a blackout curtain cost?

          Blackout curtain prices can range from $15-20 for basic polyester panels to $100+ for higher-end materials like velvet or curtains with extra insulation. But you can find quality mid-range options for $30-60 per panel.

          Q. What is the best material for a blackout curtain?

          Polyester and polyester blends are among the most affordable and effective materials for blackout curtains. Cotton and linen offer breathability, while velvet provides luxury softness and texture.

          Q. How do you know what size blackout curtains to get?

          Measure your window dimensions (width and length) then go 2-3 times wider and long enough to graze the floor or sill to block all light seepage.

          Q. Do blackout curtains make a room hotter or cooler?

          Blackout curtains with insulating layers can help keep a room cooler by blocking UV rays. But very thick curtains may make a room warmer without air conditioning due to trapping heat.

          Q. How easy is it to add blackout to curtains?

          For existing sheer or light curtains, you can add thermal or blackout liners behind them fairly easily using hooks or a rod pocket to darken a room affordably.

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