Interior Design Photography Hack: Make Your Home Look Better in Photos


These Interior design photography hacks are powerful tools to help you capture the essence of your home, showcasing its unique beauty and captivating ambiance in a single image. It’s about creating that one photograph that instantly mesmerizes viewers, stirring emotions of awe and a desire to be part of the magical space it portrays. Whether you’re preparing to sell your home or simply documenting its aesthetics for posterity, there’s a secret formula – a blend of artistry and expertise – that can elevate your home’s appearance from ordinary to extraordinary in photographs.

In this article, I’ll unveiling the secrets behind lighting techniques, staging, and composition. Together, we’ll explore how to capture the soul of your home, revealing its hidden treasures and untold stories through the lens of a camera. We’ll get into the magic of natural and ambient lighting, accentuating details with strategic illumination to add drama and intrigue to your photographs.

But lighting is just the beginning. We’ll also get into the delicate art of staging, teaching you how to declutter and simplify your space while infusing it with life through carefully chosen props and décor. Additionally, I’ll unravel the language of composition, from the rule of thirds to leading lines, guiding you towards creating visually captivating images that tell the story of your home. Along the way, I’ll address common questions and provide answers to help you master the art of interior design photography, leaving you inspired and empowered to embark on your own transformative photographic journey.

Staging: Showcasing the Best of Your Home

Yoshihiro Makino

Professionally staging/furnishing your home before taking photos is an essential step that can make a world of difference in the visual appeal of your interior design photography. When you invest in professional staging, you’re not just creating a pretty picture; you’re crafting an emotional experience. 

By selecting the right furniture pieces, arranging them in a harmonious manner, and adding tasteful decor accents, you transform your space into a captivating masterpiece that resonates with potential viewers on a deep, emotional level. 

Also: 10 Must-Have Furniture Essentials You Must Own For Your Home

Professionally staged spaces evoke a sense of luxury, comfort, and sophistication, instantly drawing people in and making them dream of living in such a beautiful environment. It allows them to envision themselves in that space, creating an emotional connection and driving their desire to explore further. 

So, when it comes to showcasing your home in interior photography, don’t underestimate the power of professional furnishing. It sets the stage for a visually stunning narrative that speaks directly to the hearts of those who view it.

Declutter and Simplify

Before taking any interior design photography, it’s crucial to declutter and simplify your space. Remove unnecessary items, organize surfaces, and create a clean and tidy environment. This will allow potential viewers to focus on the unique features of your home without distractions.

“If you are looking for a way to style your space with wall art without breaking your piggy bank, then I recommend reading 10 Surprising Benefits of Printable Wall Art

Add Fresh Flowers and Greenery

Nothing breathes life into a space quite like fresh flowers and greenery. Adding these natural elements to your home brings vibrancy and freshness to your interior design photography. Place floral arrangements strategically around your home, and don’t forget to incorporate potted plants to add a touch of nature.

Use Props for Visual Interest

To add personality and visual interest to your interior photography, consider using props that complement your home’s style. For example, place a stylish coffee mug and a book on a table, or add decorative pillows and throws to a cozy reading nook. These props can create a sense of homeliness and make your photos more relatable.

Elevate The Aesthetic Appeal of Your home

To elevate the aesthetic appeal of your home and create a space that looks like it’s been professionally designed, consider layering your home with throw pillows, blankets, and accessories on your side and coffee tables. 

These simple additions can instantly transform a room into a cozy and inviting haven. Choose pillows and blankets in complementary colors and textures to add depth and visual interest. Play with different patterns and sizes to create a harmonious balance. 

Also: How To Arrange Throw Pillows on a Sofa

Place curated accessories, such as candles, vases, or books, strategically on your side and coffee tables to create a curated and sophisticated look. These small details not only add personality but also make your space feel lived-in and welcoming. 

So, indulge in the art of layering, and watch as your home exudes an irresistible charm that captivates all who enter.

Lighting: The Key to Captivating Interior Photography

Frank Frances Studio

Natural Light: Your Best Friend

One of the most crucial elements in interior design photography hacks is lighting. Natural light is your best friend when it comes to capturing stunning photos of your home. Open up those curtains, pull back the blinds, and let the sunlight flood your rooms. Natural light adds warmth and depth to your images, making them more inviting and appealing.

Ambient Lighting for Cozy Vibes

To create a cozy and welcoming ambiance in your photographs, consider incorporating ambient lighting. Use soft, warm-toned bulbs and strategically place them in different areas of your home. This will add a touch of elegance and create a soothing atmosphere that will be visually appealing in your photos.

Also: How to Choose the Right Furniture for Your Living Room: Step by Step Guide

Accent Lighting for Highlights

To highlight specific areas or features in your home, accent lighting is the way to go. Use spotlights or track lighting to draw attention to architectural details, artwork, or focal points. Accent lighting adds drama and depth to your interior photographs, making them visually captivating.

Composition: Framing Your Shots

Frank Frances Studio

Rule of Thirds: Balancing the Frame

The rule of thirds is a fundamental principle in interior design photography composition. Imagine dividing your frame into nine equal parts using two horizontal and two vertical lines. Place your main subject or focal point along these lines or at their intersections. This technique adds balance and visual interest to your photos.

Also: The Rule Of Three For Decorating Your Home

Leading Lines: Guiding the Eye

Leading lines are powerful tools that direct the viewer’s gaze to specific areas in a photograph. Utilize architectural elements such as staircases, hallways, or even furniture placement to create leading lines that guide the eye towards the desired focal point. This technique adds depth and dimension to your images.

Symmetry: Finding Balance

Symmetrical compositions can create a sense of harmony and balance in your interior photography. Look for opportunities to capture symmetrical elements in your home, such as a perfectly aligned hallway or a mirrored wall. Symmetry adds a pleasing aesthetic and makes your photos visually captivating.

How To Make Your Space Look Good in Interior Design Photography

Stephen Kent Johnson

Capturing the essence of your space and making it look good in photographs is an art in itself. It’s about creating a visual story that reflects the soul of your home. Start by paying attention to the details that make your space unique – the carefully curated decor, the personal mementos, and the little touches that bring warmth and character.

Arrange your furniture and accessories thoughtfully, keeping in mind the composition and balance within the frame. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to find the ones that capture the true spirit of your space.

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And above all, let your love and passion for your home shine through, for it is that emotional connection that will ultimately make your space come alive in photographs, inviting others to share in the magic that you call home.

Touch Up All Your Photos

Joshua McHugh

Another important interior design photography hacks and final step is to ensure that your home looks its absolute best in photos is to touch up your images. Don’t worry if you’re not a professional photo editor – there are plenty of user-friendly tools available that can help you achieve remarkable results with just a few clicks.

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From adjusting the brightness and contrast to enhancing colors and removing any unwanted blemishes, these editing tools give you the power to bring out the true beauty of your home in every photograph. So go ahead, take the extra time to touch up your photos, and watch as your home shines with even more brilliance and allure.

Best Cameras To Use For Your Interior Design Photography

The most crucial aspect of interior design photography hacks is the camera you use. The choice of camera becomes pivotal in translating your creative vision into stunning visuals. Among the top contenders, the Canon EOS Rebel SL3 stands out as an excellent entry-level choice, offering a balance of performance and user-friendly features.

Amazon-Canon EOS Rebel SL3 DSLR Camera

Moving up the ladder, the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV delivers exceptional image quality and versatility, making it a favorite among professionals. For those seeking mirrorless options, the Sony Alpha 7R III boasts impressive resolution and dynamic range. Canon’s EOS R5 and EOS R3 further elevate the game with cutting-edge technology, pushing the boundaries of what’s achievable in interior photography.

Amazon-Sony Alpha 7R III

Meanwhile, the Canon 80D, known for its reliable performance and advanced autofocus, remains a solid choice for enthusiasts. Each of these cameras brings its unique strengths to the table, empowering photographers to capture the intricate details and nuances of interior spaces with precision and clarity.

Amazon-Canon EOS 80D DSLR Camera

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By applying these interior design photography hacks, you can transform your home into a visually captivating space in photographs. From utilizing natural light to staging strategically, each element plays a vital role in creating stunning images.

Remember to experiment, have fun, and let your home’s unique personality shine through the lens. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to capture the true essence of your home and leave a lasting impression on anyone who sees your photos.

Interior Design Photography Hacks (FAQ’s)

Q: How can I make my small room look bigger in photos?

To make a small room appear larger in photos, try these tricks:

  • Use a wide-angle lens to capture more of the space.
  • Declutter and remove unnecessary furniture.
  • Place a large mirror strategically to create an illusion of depth.
  • Use light-colored paint or wallpaper to make the room feel more spacious.

Q: Should I hire a professional photographer or take the photos myself?

It depends on your budget and expertise. Hiring a professional photographer ensures high-quality images with proper lighting and composition. However, if you have a good camera and some photography skills, you can achieve impressive results on your own by following the tips in this article.

Q: How can I make my home photos look more natural and less staged?

To make your home photos look more natural and less staged, try these techniques:

  • Capture candid moments, such as someone reading a book or enjoying a cup of coffee.
  • Incorporate personal items and decorations that reflect your lifestyle.
  • Avoid over-styling and opt for a more relaxed and lived-in look.
  • Focus on capturing the essence and atmosphere of your home rather than perfect arrangements.

Q: Can editing software enhance the look of my home photos?

Yes, editing software can be a powerful tool to enhance the look of your home photos. It allows you to adjust lighting, color balance, and sharpness, as well as remove any imperfections or distractions. However, use editing techniques sparingly to maintain a natural and realistic representation of your home.

Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when photographing my home?

Some common mistakes to avoid when photographing your home include:

  • Using excessive filters or editing effects that distort the true colors and features.
  • Neglecting to clean and declutter your space before taking photos.
  • Shooting with improper lighting, resulting in dark or overexposed images.
  • Ignoring the importance of composition and framing, resulting in unbalanced or cluttered photos.

Q: How can I make my outdoor spaces look appealing in photos?

To make your outdoor spaces look appealing in photos, consider the following tips:

  • Capture photos during the golden hour (early morning or late afternoon) for warm and soft lighting.
  • Stage outdoor areas with comfortable seating, colorful cushions, and vibrant plants.
  • Showcase outdoor amenities such as a pool, patio, or garden by framing them as inviting focal points.



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